MOV DOC 004 – Edge of Tomorrow

Text Box: MOV DOC 004
Major Cage & Sergeant Rita Vrataski, played by Emily Blunt.

Edge of Tomorrow – Download the pdf.

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This is a depiction of an Alpha, part of the nervous system of the Omega.

Tom Cruise stars in this Sci-fi movie about an alien invasion and the ability of an American Army Major to reset time when he dies. As my wife said, its plot is something of a Groundhog Day meets Aliens. And it is much too involved & complicated to try to sum up in this review. Therefore, I am assuming that everyone reading this review either has seen the movie or plans to see it, and I will simply give the themes by writing this. Also, I will avoid giving away too much of the plot of the movie so those who have not seen it can enjoy it.

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Don’t compromise on the age of the earth – It Won’t Work

Don’t compromise on the age of the earth – It Won’t Work.

Separating the age of the earth from macro-evolution – you just can’t do it, no matter how hard you try. But Christians, even so-called strong, orthodox, conservative teachers & preachers, like Charles Hodge, 1800’s, & B.B. Warfield, successor to Hodge at Princeton.

So Christians attempt to fit the bible into the box of modern, atheistic science when they try to compromise on the age of the earth. They separate the age of the earth from macro-evolution. If we were simply discussing the “age of the earth” all by itself, there would be no problem. Was it created in 4004 BC or 4006 BC? Does it really make a difference? Those types of questions approach in importance the issue about the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin. But if we’re allegedly off by billions of years, we’re talking about something entirely different.

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Donnie Darko – 3rd Movie Post

Donnie Darko = Christ Figure?

Donnie, knowing all things, preparing to change time

It took me awhile to figure this one out. Normally one viewing is enough for me to get the Christian view of a movie. I find it in just about every movie I watch. It doesn’t matter whether the writer or directors intended a Christian view or not; I normally see it. It’s as if Christ is impossible to avoid in writing stories about humanity. Perhaps it was the complexity of Donnie Darko that kept me from seeing it until I’d watched it four times. Or better yet, it was the fact that the movie is full of so much that remind you of something thoughtful, something from your youth, something realistically or surrealistically engaging. The details of the movie are so good that you don’t readily see the theme that runs throughout.

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