The movie, Thor, is, of course, Marvel Comics’ version of the mythological character from Norse mythology. But there are a couple of important points made in the movie. The character Thor represents several different biblical principles.
Like humanity rejected from the Garden, he doesn’t obey his father (Gen. 3:12), he’s ejected from Paradise & kingship (Gen. 3:22-4), & he faces humiliation & capture by mankind (Matt. 26:57-27:14).
Sovereign God 008 – The Sovereign God & The Son
Download the pdf of this analysis: Interstellar
“Interstellar” came out in 2014. It’s about time and family, but it contains a theological explanation of covenant family and dominion also. Long before seeing it and while sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, I picked up a magazine and noticed an article about the movie. It explained that the makers went to an actual theoretical physicist to learn how to represent a black hole and a worm hole in the movie’s special effects. The scientist allegedly took the equations governing the theoretical operations of these phenomena and matched it with special effects software for a video representation. But when they actually saw the image the equations created, they had made an entirely new scientific discovery as to the operation of the phenomena. Perhaps the first time that a scientific discovery occurred within the special effects process in the making of a movie. Continue reading “Interstellar”
Inception – post 2
Inception 2 – Sin & Reality
Download the Inception analysis pdf: Inception
In Inception, death is a constant presence. It moves a person from one form of reality to another. However, Dom’s imagination, the memory of his wife, the guilt he lives with keeps him returning to a fantasy world of the mind. That fantasy world is an attraction, a pull, even a call to death. It is what draws him to what killed his wife, and it keeps him from the reality of his own children. Is not sin a belief in more than one reality, as Mal asks at the end? Therefore, what can destroy Dom is his sin? Sin allures us with attractive fantasies, and it justifies our engaging in it because their can’t be just one reality, that of God and His just hatred of sin.
Inception – 1st Movie Post
After hearing a sermon on our relationship with our heavenly father, I’m more convinced than ever that Eames’ statement is the key theme of the movie: “You have to start with something much more basic . . . the relationship with the father.” The statement appears throughout the movie in a variety of ways. Jesus told his mother that he must be about his father’s business. That statement defined his life and death – doing only what he saw the father doing Continue reading “Inception – 1st Movie Post”