Modern Idolatry – Courts as Kings, as Infallible

Modern Idolatry

Federal courts are constitutional entities authorized by God to determine and apply the law to the lives and businesses of Americans, equally and without partiality. According to Romans 13 and the rest of the bible, such authorities like the federal courts are to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. This is a godly function to be highly revered and obeyed. Your interpretation of the courts’ function can easily become godless. How?

First Commandment: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; you shall have no other gods before Me.” Second Commandment: Continue reading “Modern Idolatry – Courts as Kings, as Infallible”

An Open Letter to Emperor Kennedy (Justice on the US Supreme Court)

Dear Emperor Kennedy:

I humbly beseech your Majesty for redress. On my knees, sir, I beseech thee. I have information that the lawyers representing four states in the same sex marriage case, Obergefell, and who argued in favor of states’ laws prohibiting same sex marriage were afraid to do things that they are legally allowed to do. In fact, they were so afraid of offending you and the rest of the Court that they didn’t even ask for the recusal of the two Justices who have officiated over same sex marriages. They were afraid that the Court might retaliate against them and attack their state laws out of some kind of petty meanness, as if you and your colleagues wouldn’t really look at the law. I apologize for that kind of attitude toward the Imperial Court. I know you couldn’t possibly want that. Should our justice system operate under such intimidation from the highest court that lawyers don’t even represent their clients zealously? But, really, are the other Justices that petty?

Continue reading “An Open Letter to Emperor Kennedy (Justice on the US Supreme Court)”