MOV DOC 004 – Edge of Tomorrow

Text Box: MOV DOC 004
Major Cage & Sergeant Rita Vrataski, played by Emily Blunt.

Edge of Tomorrow – Download the pdf.

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This is a depiction of an Alpha, part of the nervous system of the Omega.

Tom Cruise stars in this Sci-fi movie about an alien invasion and the ability of an American Army Major to reset time when he dies. As my wife said, its plot is something of a Groundhog Day meets Aliens. And it is much too involved & complicated to try to sum up in this review. Therefore, I am assuming that everyone reading this review either has seen the movie or plans to see it, and I will simply give the themes by writing this. Also, I will avoid giving away too much of the plot of the movie so those who have not seen it can enjoy it.

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Avatar – Individual Acting Performances – Tsu Tey

Avatar – Individual Acting Performances – Tsu Tey

Tsu-Tey, played by Laz Alonzo, is the quintessential macho, native, destined to be chief of the tribe. His attitude makes you believe he’s a native Pandoran, alternately jealous, contemptuous, distrustful, respectful depending upon how Jake impresses or does not impress him. It’s hard to like the man, but you respect him. His most impressive scenes involve one battle scene and two endearing scenes near the end.

The battle scene shows Tsu-Tey leaping off his dino-bird in slow motion into the rear of a shuttle with several soldiers with machine guns. As he leaps, he fires his arrow, then beats soldiers with his bow and throwing them off the shuttle. One soldier finally has the clearance to fire his machine gun, and Tsu-Tey falls into the forest, fatally wounded.

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Heresies, Liberals, & Galatians 5:20

Heresies, Galatians 5:20

The ESV fails dramatically in certain portions of the scripture, indicating either a deception that has crept into the conservative view of scripture or a purposeful attempt to subvert the scripture by a liberal or liberals among the Translation editors. The error as to one particular word in the list of the works of the flesh is a deadly error in that it relieves heretics of having their sin in the list of those works. And it works to the benefit of those who attack, undermine, and take over conservative denominations.

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The Gift of Knowledge & Feeding the Sheep 2

The Church’s Responsibility – To Feed the Sheep, even Public Officials


Shepherd keeping the sheep

For example, in the twentieth century, the Protestant Churches of America (The Roman Catholic Church was subject to fewer problems in this area because of its governmental structure & approach to theology) saw a conflict arise to divide whole denominations – the liberal, higher criticism theologians & teachers, who denied major tenets of biblical faith. One of their major beliefs was in the church’s responsibility for social reform. Conservatives who opposed them thought they were entering into a realm that God had forbidden for the church to enter. Therefore, the conservative believers ended up with disdain for social reform, particularly after seeing the leftist political policies advocated by liberals of the church.  (And I’m not referring to a political position when I say “conservative” or “liberal” in this context. I’m referring to a belief in the fundamentals of the Christian faith.)  Piles of books have been written about the controversy. I want to focus on one aspect of the debate, & I’ll be taking conservatives to task for one of their positions.

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