Daniel – The Key Timing Prophecy
I’d like to take a break and talk about Daniel, a key timing book in the Old Testament. So many get Daniel wrong, yet it is so simple. Think about Daniel 2 and the simplicity of the history predicted: There will be 4 kingdoms, Babylon through Rome, and then the kingdom of God shall replace all of them and grow to fill the earth. So simple. Yet, the so-called literalists do all they can to obscure the meaning by claiming its fulfillment is yet future. So futile, so overly complicated, so un-literal, so unfaithful, so perverse. Yet they claim to be the ones faithful to scripture. Yet, they deny Daniel his due. Nay, more importantly, they deny Christ, the stone the builders rejected, the stone cut out without hands, the stone that is the foundation, the cornerstone of God’s kingdom, His due. They deny Him His great work on the cross. They deny its full efficacy, they deny Him the full honor of His first coming and what He accomplished.
Notice the timing so clearly stated, yet overlooked by the interpreters: